Royal Mail International: A Guide for Online Sellers

If you run an e-commerce business, you are always looking for the most effective way to send your products to your international customers. As an international seller, you know that an unexciting but essential part of e-commerce is the right shipping solution. An international sale isn't complete until your customers receive the goods.

Note that the Royal Mail Group has two main divisions: UKPIL and GLS. United Kingdom Parcels International and Letters (UKPIL) operates in the United Kingdom. Did you know that Royal Mail International is one of the preferred delivery services for many UK companies that ship internationally?

Additionally, according to a recent study, 52.7% of respondents said Royal Mail International was their preferred delivery service provider. And this was followed by Hermes International at 16.1% and DPD Group at 14.2%.

Royal Mail delivered approximately 1.22 billion packages in 2019 through its core network. We have put together a comprehensive guide to Royal Mail services to make your shipping decisions easier. We will also demonstrate how you can save money by using TransferWise when sending and receiving international wire transfers.


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